by Jake Thompson

The Formula for Success Isn't Complicated

The formula to get better at work, your workouts, and life isn't c...
The Formula for Success Isn't Complicated

The formula to get better at work, your workouts, and life isn't complicated. It's actually easier to confuse the formula and believe there's some secret ingredient you haven't thought of yet.

There's no way that the road to success is that simple. This thinking is what leads most people to spend most of their life looking for a "hack" to cut corners instead of just following the formula. They assume the simplicity makes it easy (hint: it doesn't), and that if it was truly that simple, everyone would do it.

But simple doesn't mean easy. It's that reason that even though most everyone can easily find the formula to succeed, they aren't prepared to compete every day to follow it.

Want to improve the results you’re getting in the gym?

  • Get out of your comfort zone & push yourself harder than you did last time
  • Have a coach and a plan
  • Do the work, even if you’re not “feeling motivated”
  • Be consistent and focus on the process, not the outcome.

Want to improve the progress you’re making in your career?

  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Have a coach and a plan
  • Do the work, even if you’re not “feeling motivated”
  • Be consistent and focus on the process, not the outcome.

Want to finally reach the goals you can’t seem to stay consistent to reach?

  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Have a coach and a plan
  • Do the work, even if you’re not “feeling motivated”
  • Be consistent and focus on the process, not the outcome.

The formula isn’t complicated, the follow through is.

Focus on what you control. Commit to competing every day and following your daily process. And trust this: the formula works, and your results will take care of themselves.

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