Our worries and fears rarely have anything do with what's happening right now.
Actually, I'd argue they never do.
Worry and fear are feelings & thoughts based on a future where things don't go our way.
We invest finite time & energy into worrying about, or in fear of, a situation that hasn't even happened yet.
One that honestly, may not even happen.
The way we learn to work past those feelings of worry & fear is by being grounded more in the present.
The one and only day you have control over.
It's hard for worry & fear to have a foothold when you're dialed into today.
It's easy for them to trap you when you're consumed with tomorrow.
Spend more time today focusing on being in today:
- What attitude am I choosing to have?
- What actions can I take today for my goal/career/health?
- What effort will I commit to giving for my actions?
- What can I do today to be in a better position tomorrow?
Be where your feet are Competitor.