by Jake Thompson

You Can't Get Going If You're Always Getting Ready

I've spent the last five months working as a coach for a friend's b...

I've spent the last five months working as a coach for a friend's business that trains speakers. I'm helping them define their talk, audience, & launch a speaking business using the same steps I used (my friend's program) back in 2018 to launch mine.

It's been a fun exercise in coaching small groups in a new environment.

One thing sticks out with me for each class though when it comes to actually starting the speaking process and reaching out to potential opportunities.

No one wants to do it until they're 100% ready.

When I ask how their prospecting is going, they tell me all of the reasons they haven't started yet.

  • I need to build or redesign my website.
  • I need to start a YouTube channel first.
  • I need to redesign the 100th version of my one-sheeter.

The list goes on and on of everything they *think they need* to do before actually selling themselves. And they're simply procrastinating from doing the most important of their business.

Growing it.

Maybe you can relate to all of the reasons why you haven't started that training program, or budgeting income, or hiring that coach. You have (what seem like) valid reasons to wait until a perfect time.

The truth is: There's never a perfect time.

There is simply "now" - and we either use it or we kick the can down the road, believing we'll be more ready later.

And we never are.

I battled this with my newest book (finally going strong, Hallelujah!). I wanted to get our company restructure set, I needed to flush out all details of it before I could start, or I (make up reason to not starting writing). I told myself everything but none of it mattered.

Only writing mattered.

So eventually I stopped waiting to perfect the narrative, outline or details and just started writing.

What could you be making progress on this weekend that you have tricked yourself into thinking you need to wait until other things are done?


Taking Action

Honest question: What are you procrastinating because you *need* to do something else first?

Is that really the case?

  • Could you sell that program before you create all of its details? Yes. 
  • Could you apply for that promotion before you felt 100% confident? Yes. 
  • Could you make that lifestyle change before you got everything else in your life figured out? Absolutely.

We will always have reasons excuses to delay doing that thing, but if we're truly honest, none of those excuses hold up when evaluated honestly.

What's ONE SMALL STEP you can take today (yes, right now after reading this) to get started on your thing?

  • Grab the URL domain for your new business.
  • Schedule the email to go out Monday to that prospect about working together.
  • Fill out the form on that coach's website.

Pick the one thing and start building momentum instead of doing your future a disservice by telling yourself you'll get to it "one day."

We both know better.

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