by Jake Thompson

Ryan Almon

Compete Every Day has a significant meaning to me. I think for my...
Ryan Almon

Compete Every Day has a significant meaning to me. I think for my job it is extremely important to instilling philosophy in players that they should compete in everything thing they do whether it is on the field, weight room or classroom. We want them to strive for constant improvement.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Ryan. I currently serve as Varsity Football and Baseball at a 6A High School in Texas. Along with coaching and teaching I am fitness/lifting advocate who constantly finds ways to do some kind of training even away from a gym.

2. What’s a typical day look like for you?


Typically I wake up around 4 am, grab a small breakfast and head to work. I have about a 45 minute commute to get to my school and use that time for my quiet time and get myself prepared for the day. Once I get to school I do some type of cardio. I get ready for athletics and classes. I have 5 classes and 3 athletic periods, which are currently all in various off-season phases. After school I have my time to lift, and either do some sort of CrossFit workout or full body workout. Once done I head home and get to spend the rest of my day with my wife. 

3. What’s one goal you’re currently training to accomplish by December 31, 2017?

My goal to accomplish by the end of the year is my same daily goal which is simply just improve daily. I include overall fitness, strength, technique, and mobility with this. 

4. What’s one life goal you’re currently pursuing outside of fitness?

A life goal for me that is tangible is working my way to becoming a Head Coach. I am enjoying the process of working my way up the ladder but so look forward to reaching the peak.

5. What does it mean to you to Compete Every Day?

Compete Every Day has a significant meaning to me. I think for my job it is extremely important to instilling philosophy in players that they should compete in everything thing they do whether it is on the field, weight room or classroom. We want them to strive for constant improvement. For me personally, I just want to be better than the previous day. There is always something to improve on. 

6. What is one obstacle you’re proud you’ve overcome?

I’m proud that I’ve been able to constantly overcome multiple injuries. Whether it is a shoulder reconstruction or simply a broken bone, I have been blessed to be able to bounce back and come back stronger physically and mentally.

7. What/who do you compete for?

I compete for my family. I want to be a strong head of the household for my wife and hopefully eventual kids. I want be strong physically, mentally and spiritually and constantly seek to be better. 

Connect with Ryan: Instagram

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